News Blast (EBlast)
Want to know what’s going on in the neighborhood? Sign up for special e-mails from the BSW Manager. Previously, we have contacted only Block Captains, hoping they will get the word out to their neighbors, but now we have more options. I will not bombard you with trivial concerns; you will receive one weekly email unless something urgent needs to go out immediately.
We use Google Groups to send our weekly News Blast (Eblast) emails. You do not need a Gmail account to join, although you will need a Google account. The steps below explain how to join the group, whether you want to use a Gmail account or a different email provider.
How to Join the News Blast Group
We use Google Groups to send our News Blast emails. You do not need a Gmail account to join, although this is the easiest way. However, you will need to connect your existing email account to a Google account. The steps below explain how to join the group whether you have a Gmail account or use a different email provider.
I. Do you have a Gmail account? If "Yes," follow the next 4 steps; if "No," go to II.
1. Yes: sign in to that Gmail account
2. Go to
3. Click on "Join Group"
4. Choose options and then "Join Group" again. That's it—you're now automatically approved as a member of the group.
II. No: Create a new Gmail account
1. Go to and click "Create account"
2. Click "For my personal use"
3. If you're OK with creating a new Gmail account, follow the remaining prompts. If you'd rather use your existing, non-Gmail address, follow these steps:
a. Click "Use my current email address instead"
b. Enter your First and Last name, current email address, and a password, and click the Next button
c. Follow the rest of the prompts
4. Go to
5. Click on "Join Group"
6. Choose options and then "Join Group" again. That's it—you're now automatically approved as a member of the group.
How to Unsubscribe from the News Blast Group
Every News Blast email contains an unsubscribe link—just click the link to unsubscribe from all future emails and leave the group.
If you're not receiving the News Blast emails, you can leave the group as follows:
1. Go to
2. Click "My membership settings," which is usually on the lefthand side
3. Click the "Leave group" button at the top
You can always resubscribe to the group at a later time.